
Getting them in

Long facyulty meeting on Monday put a crimp in our workout time, so we made a quick one.

Hand Release Pushups x10
Air Squat x 10
Exercise Ball Crunch x 10

for six circuits with no breaks.

It seems like it was going to be easy. It was not.


Approaching the Line

Frustrated and Feeling like we had slowed down, we went all out and almost found the line.

.18 mile @ 7.5mph (8-minute mile pace)
Burpees 10
Plank 1 minute
Dumbbell Clean & Press 10 @ 40#

.18 mile @ 7.5mph (8-minute mile pace)
Burpees 10
15 Situps
15 Leg Raises
Dumbbell Clean & Press 10 @ 40#

.18 mile @ 7.5mph (8-minute mile pace)
Burpees 10
Machine Crunches 50
Machine Twists 25/25
Dumbbell Clean & Press 10 @ 40#

We both almost didn't make it through.