
Sumos and Thrusters

I try to vary our workouts, to keep our muscles confused and adapting. But I was afraid I'd gotten into a bit of a rut - pushups, pull-ups, cleans, burpees, etc.

So, today I did two different full-body exercises in circuit - Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Deadlift into a Upright Row) and Thrusters (Front Squat into an Overhead Press) along with five different ab exercises.

Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 @ 45# (Olympic bar)
Thrusters x 10 @ 45#
Plank x 1 minute

Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 @ 45#
Thrusters x 10 @ 45#
Swiss Ball Crunch x 25

Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 @ 45#
Thrusters x 10 @ 45#
Situps (on bench) x 20

Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 @ 45#
Thrusters x 10 @ 45#
Leg Raises (on bench) x 20

Sumo Deadlift High Pull x 10 @ 45#
Thrusters x 10 @ 45#
Machine Twists x 25R/25L @ 30#

It was a little easier aerobically than I expected, and I was pleased to make 100 squat motions with no real problems - but my thighs & arms, especially my shoulders, got what I was after.


Morning Run

I hate running.
I try to incorporate 220's or 440's into workouts about every 3rd workout.
Tuesday I was supposed to run 220's, but I got carried away and ran a 440 on the first circuit, which was fine until I got the inevitable calf cramp.

Run on Treadmill x 440yds @ 7.5 mph (8 min mile pace)
Machine Dips x 5 (-100)
Machine Pullups (close grip) x 5 (-150)
Plank x 1 minute

Run on Treadmill x 220yds @ 7.5 mph
Machine Dips x 5 (-100)
Machine Pullups (close grip) x 5 (-150)
Swiss Ball Crunch x 25

Run on Treadmill x 220yds @ 7.5 mph
Machine Dips x 5 (-100)
Machine Pullups (close grip) x 5 (-150)
Machine Twists x 25/25 @ 30#

On the last run I got my persistent right calf cramp, but I finished the run and other sets. I had to travel, so I called it there.

The twelve sets was our usual workout a couple of months ago, but now, even with the runs, it seemed light. I'll take that as a good sign.


Christmas Eve

Needed a fast Tabata-style workout.
I did these sets with 10 second rest between each.

Pushups (Hand Release) x 10
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 @ 35#
Swiss Ball Crunches x 20
Pushups (Hand Release) x 10
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 @ 35#
Swiss Ball Crunches x 20
Pushups (Hand Release) x 10
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 @ 35#
Swiss Ball Crunches x 20
Pushups (Hand Release) x 10
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 @ 35#
Swiss Ball Crunches x 20
Pushups (Hand Release) x 10
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 @ 35#
Swiss Ball Crunches x 20

I was surprised to make 5 circuits with minimal rest.
But when I was done, I was definitely done.

Hand Release Pushups:


Thruster Practice

I want to work up to doing Crossfit Thrusters, which are basically front squatting 95 lbs and pressing it over your head.
And eventually doing the Fran: thrusters and pullups.

So: Monday's Workout
Front Military Press x 5 @ 95#
Air Squat x 5
Wide-grip Pullups x 5 (-140#)

Front Military Press x 5 @ 95#
Air Squat x 5
Wide-grip Pullups x 5 (-150#)

Front Military Press x 5 @ 95#
Air Squat x 5
Wide-grip Pullups x 5 (-160#)

Medicine Ball Thrusters x 10 (10#)
for five sets

Swiss Ball Crunches x 25
for two sets

It was a relatively light day, but the the heavy military presses and the 65 total squat movements are still with me today.


Fifty-Fifty and Abs

Friday we worked abs multiple ways, since we didn't do and abs on Monday.
We got in 50 clean & presses & 50 pushups as well.

Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 (40#)
Hand Release Pushups X 10
Plank x 60 seconds

Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 (40#)
Hand Release Pushups X 10
Swiss Ball Crunch x 20

Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 (40#)
Hand Release Pushups X 10
Bench Situps x 15

Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 (40#)
Hand Release Pushups X 10
Leg Raises x 15

Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5/5 (40#)
Hand Release Pushups X 10
Machine Twist x 15/15
Back Extension x 10


The Fives

Five circuits of:
Treadmill : ran 220 yards @ 7.5mph
Machine Pullups x 5 (-140 up to -160)
Burpees x 5
Machine Dips x 5 (-110 to -120)

By the end I was close to vomiting, definitely burping up lunch. It was 20 minutes before I felt able to drive. It kicked ass.

The 100

The end of last week we did:

Hand Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 10
Swiss Ball Crunches x 10

for 10 circuits.

Oh my...


One of Each

Our Monday Workout to get back in the swing of things.

Treadmill ran 440 @ 7.5 mph
Feet-up Pushups x 20
Swiss Ball Crunch x 20

Elliptical Tabata Sprints (20sec @ 80rpm & 10sec @ 50 rpm for 8 cycles)
Dips x 5 (-110)
Situp x 15

Burpees x 10
Pullup x 5 (-140)
Leg Raise x 15

Dumbbell Clean & Press 5/5 @ 40#
Hand Release Pushups x 15
Plank x 30sec

Last Thursday

Four Circuits of:
Machine Dips x 5 (-110)
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 10
Plank for 30 seconds