
A triple mash-up + the deadlift lives.

Thursday's Workout was a mash-up of three different ideas: Warming up some problem areas, bringing back the deadlift, and non-stop reps.

Part One - Prehab/Rehab
Two Circuits
Shoulder - Prone Scapular (Shoulder) Stabilization Series - I, Y, T, W, O @ 10 sec each
Hip Flexor Stretch (lunge, twist towards up leg, hold) x 3/3 @ 10sec
Calf Raises x 10
Back Extensions x 10

Part Two
Five Sets
Deadlift x 3 @ 185, 195, 205, 215, 225
(inspired by Hero Training: The Lift an Object Off Someone in Distress Workout)

Part Three
Four Circuits, 45# Bar, not putting it down for 16 sets
Clean x 6
Overhead Press x 6
Front Squat x 6
Bent Row x 6
(This came from Mark Sisson by way of Shape - and I added a circuit.)


The Deadlift was very important today because I tweaked my back doing it in March and had not done it since. (Deadlifts in a HIIT circuit is a bad idea since form is so important). I was very excited and energized that everything went well with the lift. It was even a little easy, so I did an extra circuit in part 3.


Too Many Burpees

Monday's Workout

Ran 440 yds @ 6.0 mph (~2:30)

7 circuits of:
Burpees x 7 in one minute (sort of)
(49 total)

3 circuits of:
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twists x 20 @ 15#
Plank x 30 secs.
Cat Vomit x 30 sec.

Ran 440 yds @ 6.0 mph (~2:30)

As close as I have come to not finishing a workout. The Burpees took about 7 1/2 to 8 minutes to finally finish. Finishing the last run took a little willpower as well. I got a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I managed not to go down.


Wednesday Sprints

I sprinted 220 yards, walked 220 yards - and repeated this 4 times.

It still amazes me how exhausting this is.


A Bear

Monday's Workout
Four Circuits of:
Bear Crawl x 20 yards
2-Hand Kettlebell Swing x 15
Feet-up Push-ups x 15
Box Jumps x 5 @ 20"
Long Crunch x 20 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#

I did each set in one minute, about 30-40 sec. work and 20-30 sec. rest.
Done in 24 minutes. Exhausted.


Four was enough

Wednesday Workout
Four Circuits of:
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 25#/25#
Close Hands Pushups x 10
Upright Row x 10 @ 45#
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front-side-back)
Jackknife on Exercise Ball x 10

Lightheaded and Nauseous.