
One and a half

I ran one and a half miles - running is a relative term - in 19:20.

It is incredibly slow, but I did not, at any point, stop.

The farthest I have run without stopping since January of 1991.

We are going to run in a fundraiser for our track & cross country teams in a few weeks. Time to practice the mile course.

Manmakers? Burpees+

Take a burpee, add in renegade rows, and finish with a clean & press. Maybe the best, and toughest, exercise we've done.

But what about the jump, you ask? We added in box jumps to make sure the torture was complete.

Manmakers x 10 @ 10/10 (burpee + renegade rows + clean & press)
Long Crunch x 20 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 10 @ 21"

Manmakers x 8 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 8 @ 21"

Manmakers x 6 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 6 @ 21"

Manmakers x 4 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 4 @ 21"

Manmakers x 2 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 2 @ 21"



The pain is ridiculous.

We were so sore on Thursday from Monday & Tuesday that I had to devise something that would stretch us out and still give us some work.

Four Circuits
Hip Flexor Lunge-Stretch x 3/3 @ 10sec
Plank-to-Pushup x 5
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5
Judo (Divebomber) Pushup x 5
Shoulder Activation I, Y, T, W, O x 3


We played 2-a-side soccer on Wednesday.
Our field was about 10 yards long and 20 yards wide with pop-up goals.

It was fun and great exercise. We'll definitely play again!

Mat Drill Monday

We joke that our workouts are a lot like the off-season football workouts we both did years ago. Today's was especially so.

Five Circuits
Bear Crawl x 20 yards
Plank x 40 secs
Step ups x 5/5 @ 18"
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (55 cm ball)

The Bear Crawl was exactly what we wanted in terms of functional, exhausting, and wearing us down.

I still hate planks.

We felt the bear crawls and the planks all the way through Thursday.


Full Body

The idea today was to work multiple body parts with each of 4 exercises.
It's one of those that doesn't look like much written down on a post-it note, but by the time we were done we knew it was a good one.

Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
(pushup on dumbbells, then a row with each hand)
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25# (plate)

Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#

Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#

Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#

Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#


Huh. How about that?

Today I ran 1.2 miles in 15:15. The farthest I have run since leaving the Army 21 years ago. A mile without stopping is becoming a regular thing. Another line has been crossed.

Back at it.

After a week of stretching my back and wedding-related festivities we went back to work on Monday.

Took the Crossfit Cindy and added a run & some abs.

Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25

Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25

Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25

Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25

A good return to form.

Pre-Wedding Run

Saturday morning I ran a mile in the morning, because Saturday evening I was the officiant at one of my best friend's weddings and, as expected, we ate a ton of food all evening.

The run felt easy, the wedding went well, and the food was great.

Self Treatment

My back pain got pretty serious for a few days.
Right side hip flexor from the lumbar, around & over my hip.

On Monday, I didn't have a foam roller or lacrosse ball to work on my back so I improvised and used a small medicine ball and a aerobic step. I put my shoulders on the step and laid on the ball and, while experiencing ridiculous pain, rolled my tightened back/hip area over the ball several times. For about half an hour.

Then I did all of the yoga positions from this travel stretching workout from, which nearly all focused on my back and hip flexor.

This hurt like hell, but it did the trick.

On Thursday, I repeated the yoga and did several other hip flexor stretches.