One of the main reasons we exercise is so that we can move freely as we move though our 40's. We have avoided injury and move much better than we did only a couple of years ago.
I have, however, had ongoing soreness in my right hip flexor or psoas muscle. I have generally just stretched and worked through it.
On Thursday 9/27 we did this one:
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
2-minute break
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
(on this set of clean & presses my hip flexor tighten up in the back and began to hurt like hell, more on that later)
2-minute break
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
At this point we were both exhausted and I was actually in real pain, unable to bend over. So we stopped there. It was an excellent workout, but I should have stopped sooner.
Still not invincible, I'm afraid.
An inconsistent record of our attempt to live long enough to make it to the Singularity by Mike Ray.
Burpees Countdown
I think it's the jump. That little hop at the end of the burpee that makes it almost unbearable. So, today there were 55 of those.
Monday's Workout
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
10 Burpees
9 Burpees
8 Burpees
7 Burpees
6 Burpees
5 Burpees
4 Burpees
3 Burpees
2 Burpees
1 Burpee
Long Crunch (Bosu Ball) x 25
Plank x 40 secs
Monday's Workout
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
10 Burpees
9 Burpees
8 Burpees
7 Burpees
6 Burpees
5 Burpees
4 Burpees
3 Burpees
2 Burpees
1 Burpee
Long Crunch (Bosu Ball) x 25
Plank x 40 secs
It was a simple idea. Run four hard 220's, aiming to make them under 1 minute. After our 5-minute 880 it seemed reasonable with rest/walks in between.
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
Ran 220 :50
Walk 220
Ran 220 :46
Walk 220
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
The total time was 14:13 for one mile.
I felt as badly in the evening after this one as I have from almost any workout. There was a demon waiting on that fourth 220. I finished it purely on Newtonian physics and muscle memory.
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
Ran 220 :50
Walk 220
Ran 220 :46
Walk 220
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
The total time was 14:13 for one mile.
I felt as badly in the evening after this one as I have from almost any workout. There was a demon waiting on that fourth 220. I finished it purely on Newtonian physics and muscle memory.
Getting a Grip
One of each - 1, 5, 10, 15, 20. A solid workout and in an unusual twist, it was our arms that gave out this time. The Farmer's Walk was the killer. I had to stop on circuits 4 & 5 - I lost my grip (physically, metaphorically it is long gone).
Thursday's Workout
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55# (2 dumbbells - 1 gym lap)
Reverse Row x 5 (Chest-high squat rack bar)
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Weight Update: 259 - down 102 pounds
Thursday's Workout
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55# (2 dumbbells - 1 gym lap)
Reverse Row x 5 (Chest-high squat rack bar)
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Weight Update: 259 - down 102 pounds
The idea was to run an 880 (2 laps) in under 5 minutes.
We started out flying, for us, but I couldn't hold it. I 'sprinted' at the end to come in at 4:59.
Achievement unlocked.
We started out flying, for us, but I couldn't hold it. I 'sprinted' at the end to come in at 4:59.
Achievement unlocked.
Light day?
I have spent much of the last week mowing a waist-high field with a push mower, including 4 hours on Sunday.
Monday we needed a moderate workout that loosened us up.
Part One
Three Circuits non-stop of:
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front lunge, side squat, back lunge)
Standing One-Arm Cable Rox x 10/10 @ 60#
Part Two
Three non-stop circuits of:
Thruster x 10 @ 45# (Squat and press the bar overhead)
Machine Dips x 5 @ -100
Long Crunch on Small Swiss Ball x 25
Got the job done.
Monday we needed a moderate workout that loosened us up.
Part One
Three Circuits non-stop of:
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front lunge, side squat, back lunge)
Standing One-Arm Cable Rox x 10/10 @ 60#
Part Two
Three non-stop circuits of:
Thruster x 10 @ 45# (Squat and press the bar overhead)
Machine Dips x 5 @ -100
Long Crunch on Small Swiss Ball x 25
Got the job done.
Football coaches call sprints across the field 'gassers'.
Thursday we ran on the football practice field.
We ran sideline to sideline (53 yards) on every 10 yard stripe.
So: Across at the Goaline, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the walked (rested) over & back (106 yards). Then the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goalline and walked over & back. Then 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and walked over & back. Finally the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goaline.
Twenty-one 53-yard sprints.
And we were done. And done in.
Thursday we ran on the football practice field.
We ran sideline to sideline (53 yards) on every 10 yard stripe.
So: Across at the Goaline, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the walked (rested) over & back (106 yards). Then the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goalline and walked over & back. Then 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and walked over & back. Finally the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goaline.
Twenty-one 53-yard sprints.
And we were done. And done in.
Five by Five (and more)
I based this one on the Crossfit "Seven" workout. Estimated, accurately it seems, what we could barely do.
Loved it. Our major exercises, all together and kicking our butts. By the third circuit we were whipped, but we made it through. And were as exhausted as we've ever been at the end.
Tuesday Workout
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Elliptical Trainer x 2 min @ 75 RPM
Each circuit non-stop, then a 60-90 sec break
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Captain's Chair Knee-ups x 25
Followed by: Shortness of Breath. Nausea. Dizziness. Incoherence. The Usual.
Loved it. Our major exercises, all together and kicking our butts. By the third circuit we were whipped, but we made it through. And were as exhausted as we've ever been at the end.
Tuesday Workout
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Elliptical Trainer x 2 min @ 75 RPM
Each circuit non-stop, then a 60-90 sec break
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Captain's Chair Knee-ups x 25
Followed by: Shortness of Breath. Nausea. Dizziness. Incoherence. The Usual.
Pushing Through
We were both dragging today, and we'd only had one rest day, so simply pushing through this one seemed like a reasonable goal. We actually did better than I expected, but the increased weight on the two-dumbbell clean & press (the 'Jack LaLanne') was a killer.
We took turns at each station, which slowed the pace, but it made us both want to hurry up, which I liked - we've grown to hate resting.
I worked in more ideas from the "One Lifetime, Five Movements" posts at The Whole 30, most of which are right in line with what we do - added one-arm rows for trunk stability, and returned to single-leg deadlifts, overhead presses, and trunk rotation,
Thursday's Workout
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
Four Circuits of:
One-Arm Cable Row x 10/10 @ 50#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift x 10/10 @ 10#/10#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
I liked the longer, but slight slower runs.
I might be able to do an 880 at that pace.
We'll find out.
We took turns at each station, which slowed the pace, but it made us both want to hurry up, which I liked - we've grown to hate resting.
I worked in more ideas from the "One Lifetime, Five Movements" posts at The Whole 30, most of which are right in line with what we do - added one-arm rows for trunk stability, and returned to single-leg deadlifts, overhead presses, and trunk rotation,
Thursday's Workout
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
Four Circuits of:
One-Arm Cable Row x 10/10 @ 50#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift x 10/10 @ 10#/10#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
I liked the longer, but slight slower runs.
I might be able to do an 880 at that pace.
We'll find out.
Reading is Dangerous
Read up over the weekend on some exercise info from The Whole 30 guys and found a great article series, "If you could only perform five exercise movements for the rest of your life, which five would you do?" asking twelve of the most widely respected fitness experts and strength and conditioning coaches for their lists. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Monday's workout was drawn from the answers and some associated articles.
Part One
Three Circuits of:
Farmer's Walk x 50 yards @ 100# (2 x 50# dumbbells)
Lunge Complex x 5/5 (Lunge Forward, side-step & squat, Backward Lunge)
Part Two
Five Sets of:
Renegade Man Makers x 5 @ 10#/10#
Burpee with dumbbells, rowing each arm at bottom, and double overhead press at top
Three Sets of:
Glute Ham Developer Situps x 5
Part Three
Elliptical Trainer Tabata Sprints
8 circuits of 20 Seconds at 90rpm, 10 seconds at 55rpm (4 minutes)
The desired effect was achieved.
Monday's workout was drawn from the answers and some associated articles.
Part One
Three Circuits of:
Farmer's Walk x 50 yards @ 100# (2 x 50# dumbbells)
Lunge Complex x 5/5 (Lunge Forward, side-step & squat, Backward Lunge)
Part Two
Five Sets of:
Renegade Man Makers x 5 @ 10#/10#
Burpee with dumbbells, rowing each arm at bottom, and double overhead press at top
Three Sets of:
Glute Ham Developer Situps x 5
Part Three
Elliptical Trainer Tabata Sprints
8 circuits of 20 Seconds at 90rpm, 10 seconds at 55rpm (4 minutes)
The desired effect was achieved.
Paleo Curry
2 pounds meat
1 bag of frozen cauliflower
3-5 tbsp of Curry powder - we use Madras or Sweet Curry
1 can (12.5 oz?) of organic tomato sauce
2 tbsp of a paleo cooking fat
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
optional carrots or parsnips
black pepper
- I prepare the bag of frozen cauliflower according to the microwave directions and set aside in a separate bowl (reduces vitamin breakdown).
- Crush the cauliflower with a potato masher or large fork until it has a rice-like consistency.
- In a fryer (a steep-sided 12" frying pan) or Dutch oven I begin by heating the fat on medium heat - I have used coconut oil, olive oil, pasture-raised lard, and ghee for this (about 2 tbsp).
- I cut the meat into even chunks, about half-inch cubes. I have used chicken, pork, lamb, and beef. About 2 pounds.
- Brown the meat on all sides and remove it to a bowl.
- As the remaining liquid cooks reduces to almost only oil, I add the chopped medium onion and occasionally a few chopped carrots or parsnips (even sized pieces) and cook them for about 6 minutes, scraping the bottom and mixing it with the vegetables. Then add the 2 cloves of pressed garlic for an additional 2 minutes and stir.
- Reduce the temperature to medium-low.
- Add the cauliflower to the pan and then mix in 2 tbsp of Madras (Indian) Curry Powder, coating everything.
- Stir in one large can of organic (Muir Glen) tomato paste. Mix well.
- Stir in the meat and another tbsp of curry powder.
- Lower to a simmer and season with salt and pepper and additional curry powder to your taste.
- The longer you can let it simmer the better, but stir to avoid scorching the sauce on the bottom.
The cauliflower gives the dish the rice consistency that is otherwise missing from many paleo curry dishes. It imparts little taste, but gives you its health benefits.
We ate this at least 4 times during our Whole 30, making it a little differently each time.
1 bag of frozen cauliflower
3-5 tbsp of Curry powder - we use Madras or Sweet Curry
1 can (12.5 oz?) of organic tomato sauce
2 tbsp of a paleo cooking fat
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
optional carrots or parsnips
black pepper
- I prepare the bag of frozen cauliflower according to the microwave directions and set aside in a separate bowl (reduces vitamin breakdown).
- Crush the cauliflower with a potato masher or large fork until it has a rice-like consistency.
- In a fryer (a steep-sided 12" frying pan) or Dutch oven I begin by heating the fat on medium heat - I have used coconut oil, olive oil, pasture-raised lard, and ghee for this (about 2 tbsp).
- I cut the meat into even chunks, about half-inch cubes. I have used chicken, pork, lamb, and beef. About 2 pounds.
- Brown the meat on all sides and remove it to a bowl.
- As the remaining liquid cooks reduces to almost only oil, I add the chopped medium onion and occasionally a few chopped carrots or parsnips (even sized pieces) and cook them for about 6 minutes, scraping the bottom and mixing it with the vegetables. Then add the 2 cloves of pressed garlic for an additional 2 minutes and stir.
- Reduce the temperature to medium-low.
- Add the cauliflower to the pan and then mix in 2 tbsp of Madras (Indian) Curry Powder, coating everything.
- Stir in one large can of organic (Muir Glen) tomato paste. Mix well.
- Stir in the meat and another tbsp of curry powder.
- Lower to a simmer and season with salt and pepper and additional curry powder to your taste.
- The longer you can let it simmer the better, but stir to avoid scorching the sauce on the bottom.
The cauliflower gives the dish the rice consistency that is otherwise missing from many paleo curry dishes. It imparts little taste, but gives you its health benefits.
We ate this at least 4 times during our Whole 30, making it a little differently each time.
The whole Whole30
Eating so cleanly has made us both feel so much better and I lost 16 pounds (you're not supposed to check, but it is my thing). We are both even further down in clothes sizes.
I will start posting many of our dishes from this past month this week.
CRL is doing the dairy check and then the gluten check this weekend. I don't appear to have real problems with either one, but I feel so much better without them both, I'm going to stay that way!
We have become so used to eating Paleo that none of the restrictions were a hardship - cooking nearly every meal is the tough part, but we have always shared the load there (I love to cook and do most of it), so it wasn't really a problem.
If you want to see results and start changing the way you feel for the better, the Whole30 is the way to go.
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