We hit the highlights on the last workout of the year.
Part 1
Elliptical Trainer Tabata
1 min warmup @ 65rpm
4 min of Tabata Protocol
(8 circuits of 20 sec @ 85rpm + 10 sec @ 55rpm)
Part 2
5 @ 135#
5 @ 155#
5 @ 185#
Part 3
5 reps every minute for 7 minutes
Part 4
Long Crunch x 20 (on Swiss ball, touch floor over head)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 10#
The elliptical Tabata has gotten less difficult. Ramping up the rpm.
It has been a while on the deadlifts, so we were cautious on weight. More weight.
The Burpees followed the Crossfit Open Workout: Max Burpees in 7 minutes. We spaced them out. More reps.
We were so exhausted after the Burpees that I cramped up on the crunches. If I cramp up, it's a win.
An inconsistent record of our attempt to live long enough to make it to the Singularity by Mike Ray.
Sunday Morning Comin Down.
Felt sluggish and decided to get in another run.
Nike tells me it was 39°.
I did a mile by 220 yard sprints/walking.
220 yd walk
220 yd run
220 yd walk
220 yd run
220 yd walk
220 yd run
220 yd walk
220 yd run
My time was 12:49, which was actually faster than the last mile I 'ran' two weeks ago.
Nike tells me it was 39°.
I did a mile by 220 yard sprints/walking.
220 yd walk
220 yd run
220 yd walk
220 yd run
220 yd walk
220 yd run
220 yd walk
220 yd run
My time was 12:49, which was actually faster than the last mile I 'ran' two weeks ago.
This is winter (and a quick run).
Running, just to stay alive.
Walked 220 yards.
Ran 880 yards at a steady pace.
Walked 220 yards.
Walked 220 yards.
Ran 880 yards at a steady pace.
Walked 220 yards.
Bringing SDLHP's Back
8am, Monday Morning, Christmas Eve
In preparation for all the food that will be consumed over the next couple of days, we made sure to get one in this morning.
Trying to make sure we keep changing, I pulled the Sumo Deadlift High Pulls out of the bag.
Four Circuits
Feet-Up Pushups x 15 (on 55 cm ball)
Long Crunches x 25 (on 55 cm ball)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls x 10 @ 65#
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Farmer's Walk x 50 yards @ 50#/50# (100 lbs!)
It was taxing, but we were able to move through the twenty sets without much difficulty. There was little rest between sets, and no more than a minute between circuits.
This was not as tough as I expected. Our conditioning is much better, but I need to consider how to ramp up the intensity without simply extending the time we work.
In preparation for all the food that will be consumed over the next couple of days, we made sure to get one in this morning.
Trying to make sure we keep changing, I pulled the Sumo Deadlift High Pulls out of the bag.
Four Circuits
Feet-Up Pushups x 15 (on 55 cm ball)
Long Crunches x 25 (on 55 cm ball)
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls x 10 @ 65#
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Farmer's Walk x 50 yards @ 50#/50# (100 lbs!)
It was taxing, but we were able to move through the twenty sets without much difficulty. There was little rest between sets, and no more than a minute between circuits.
This was not as tough as I expected. Our conditioning is much better, but I need to consider how to ramp up the intensity without simply extending the time we work.
Something Completely Different
Biceps & upper forearms were still sore from Monday, so we aimed to make sure we worked in very different ways from pushups & pullups.
Four Circuits
2-Hand Kettlebell Swing x 15
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Dips x 5 @ -100
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10#
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front, side, back)
Four Circuits
2-Hand Kettlebell Swing x 15
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Dips x 5 @ -100
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10#
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front, side, back)
Crossfit Cindy
A meeting led to a late start, so we went with a modified Crossfit Cindy today.
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
We made it through 8 rounds today, which means 24 sets in 20 minutes.
It got the job done, and the recovery took longer than the workout.
Somewhere, about circuit six, a young guy with a knit cap and a scruffy beard started to offer me advice. I patted him on the side and said, "I've got another set to do, and I've got a master's in Human Performance. Thanks though." I think he did 4 sets of bench during our entire workout. Pick it up, son.
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
We made it through 8 rounds today, which means 24 sets in 20 minutes.
It got the job done, and the recovery took longer than the workout.
Somewhere, about circuit six, a young guy with a knit cap and a scruffy beard started to offer me advice. I patted him on the side and said, "I've got another set to do, and I've got a master's in Human Performance. Thanks though." I think he did 4 sets of bench during our entire workout. Pick it up, son.
20 Minutes
Thursday's workout.
We had a limited time, so we moved fast, trying to get done in 20 minutes.
We did three exercise ball sets without stopping, and rested alternately during the dumbbell set.
Two Circuits
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (on exercise 55cm ball)
Jackknife x 10 (on exercise ball)
Long Crunch x 10 (on exercise ball)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35#/35#
One minute break
Two Circuits
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (on exercise 55cm ball)
Jackknife x 10 (on exercise ball)
Long Crunch x 10 (on exercise ball)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35#/35#
One minute break
One Circuit
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (on exercise 55cm ball)
Jackknife x 10 (on exercise ball)
Long Crunch x 10 (on exercise ball)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35#/35#
We did twenty sets in under 20 minutes and were done.
The Jackknife is an abs killer by itself.
Doing the pushups first and then moving straight into the Jackknifes definitely worked the arms & shoulders.
The dumbbell clean and presses are an old standby, but in this combination they really worked our backs & biceps.
Not exhausted, but sore all over.
We had a limited time, so we moved fast, trying to get done in 20 minutes.
We did three exercise ball sets without stopping, and rested alternately during the dumbbell set.
Two Circuits
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (on exercise 55cm ball)
Jackknife x 10 (on exercise ball)
Long Crunch x 10 (on exercise ball)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35#/35#
One minute break
Two Circuits
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (on exercise 55cm ball)
Jackknife x 10 (on exercise ball)
Long Crunch x 10 (on exercise ball)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35#/35#
One minute break
One Circuit
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (on exercise 55cm ball)
Jackknife x 10 (on exercise ball)
Long Crunch x 10 (on exercise ball)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35#/35#
We did twenty sets in under 20 minutes and were done.
The Jackknife is an abs killer by itself.
Doing the pushups first and then moving straight into the Jackknifes definitely worked the arms & shoulders.
The dumbbell clean and presses are an old standby, but in this combination they really worked our backs & biceps.
Not exhausted, but sore all over.
On Wednesday we played.
Two on Two on a 25-by-17 yards field with 5-foot-wide goals.
We've done this a few times, and have increased the length of the field over time.
It was cold, in the 40's, but we had an amazing time and were breathing hard for more than an hour.
A fun and effective workout.
Two on Two on a 25-by-17 yards field with 5-foot-wide goals.
We've done this a few times, and have increased the length of the field over time.
It was cold, in the 40's, but we had an amazing time and were breathing hard for more than an hour.
A fun and effective workout.
On Tuesday we raced.
We are about the same size, speed, and strength, so this made sense to try.
One mile, half walking & half sprinting.
Walked x 220 yards.
Ran x 220 in 55 seconds - our warmup sprint.
Walked x 220 yards.
Raced for 220 yards - I finished in 43 seconds.
Walked x 220 yards.
Raced for 220 yards - I finished in 45 seconds.
Walked x 220 yards.
Raced for 220 yards - I finished in 54 seconds.
- and did 10 pushups for losing that one.
I was more exhausted and slightly incoherent for a longer time than I have been after a workout in months. The full speed racing was intense - it pushed us harder and over a line. Exactly what I had hoped.
One mile, half walking & half sprinting.
Walked x 220 yards.
Ran x 220 in 55 seconds - our warmup sprint.
Walked x 220 yards.
Raced for 220 yards - I finished in 43 seconds.
Walked x 220 yards.
Raced for 220 yards - I finished in 45 seconds.
Walked x 220 yards.
Raced for 220 yards - I finished in 54 seconds.
- and did 10 pushups for losing that one.
I was more exhausted and slightly incoherent for a longer time than I have been after a workout in months. The full speed racing was intense - it pushed us harder and over a line. Exactly what I had hoped.
29 Minutes to Done
Our basic plan is to use high-intensity strength-building exercises as conditioning.
If we do it right we will build muscle, burn fat, and improve our aerobic fitness - in line with Crossfit ideas about metabolic conditioning.
Monday we focused on this by doing sets that took 30-40 seconds and then resting the remainder of each minute. After each circuit we rested another minute - so we did 25 sets in 29 minutes.
Five Circuits of:
Plank x 45 seconds
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Bench Dips x 5 (feet on ground)
Burpees x 6
1-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 5/5 @ 35#
The Bench Dips were new and too easy. More reps, then feet up.
The plank has been off the list for a while, but went better than expected.
Hammys & butt are definitely sore from the SLRDL, and felt them on Tuesday for the 220's, and still feel them today for soccer.
This one was worth the effort. The hurt was put on.
If we do it right we will build muscle, burn fat, and improve our aerobic fitness - in line with Crossfit ideas about metabolic conditioning.
Monday we focused on this by doing sets that took 30-40 seconds and then resting the remainder of each minute. After each circuit we rested another minute - so we did 25 sets in 29 minutes.
Five Circuits of:
Plank x 45 seconds
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Bench Dips x 5 (feet on ground)
Burpees x 6
1-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 5/5 @ 35#
The Bench Dips were new and too easy. More reps, then feet up.
The plank has been off the list for a while, but went better than expected.
Hammys & butt are definitely sore from the SLRDL, and felt them on Tuesday for the 220's, and still feel them today for soccer.
This one was worth the effort. The hurt was put on.
Easing Back In
Two Circuits of
220 yd run @ 7.5 mph
2H Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 20
Reverse Rows x 10
Russian Twist x 20
220 yd run @ 7.5 mph
2H Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 35
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 20
Reverse Rows x 10
Russian Twist x 20
Four is Enough
The plan was a full-body exhaustion, and it worked.
Four circuits of:
Bear Crawl x 20 yards
Long Crunch x 25 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10# dumbbell
Kettlebell Swing x 15 @ 35#
Manmakers x 5 @ 10#/10# (burpee with dumbell rows & overhead press)
More than enough.
Four circuits of:
Bear Crawl x 20 yards
Long Crunch x 25 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10# dumbbell
Kettlebell Swing x 15 @ 35#
Manmakers x 5 @ 10#/10# (burpee with dumbell rows & overhead press)
More than enough.
Abs Monday
Decided to go with three different ab exercises today.
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
It was exhausting, but not overwhelmingly so. We are getting in better shape, so to deal with that I think I need to start increasing reps/set, rather than total sets.
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph (1:04)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Feet-up Pushups x 15
Russian Twists x 10 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Knee-ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
It was exhausting, but not overwhelmingly so. We are getting in better shape, so to deal with that I think I need to start increasing reps/set, rather than total sets.
We did a version of the Crossfit 'Cindy' on Tuesday.
Three Circuits
Reverse Rows x 5 (pull up to chest high bar, heels on ground & planked)
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
1-minute rest
Three Circuits
Reverse Rows x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
1-minute rest
Four Circuits
Reverse Rows x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
So: 30 Sets, totaling 50 Reverse Rows, 100 pushups, and 150 Squats in under a half hour.
Still feeling it in my chest and quads on Friday.
Three Circuits
Reverse Rows x 5 (pull up to chest high bar, heels on ground & planked)
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
1-minute rest
Three Circuits
Reverse Rows x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
1-minute rest
Four Circuits
Reverse Rows x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
So: 30 Sets, totaling 50 Reverse Rows, 100 pushups, and 150 Squats in under a half hour.
Still feeling it in my chest and quads on Friday.
On Saturday?
Our sled workout was cut short when my workout partner tweaked his calf and we missed our friday run because we announced an away football game. So I came up with a quick one on Saturday to make up for missing (and Friday's food).
Walked 440 yards and did some active stretching and squatting
880 yds in 5:10 - on the road, including a short, steep hill
5-minute break
Exercise (MetCon)
Burpees x 5/minute for 7 minutes.
(1st half of minute doing burpees, the 2nd half recovering)
Both parts were quick - and exhausting.
Walked 440 yards and did some active stretching and squatting
880 yds in 5:10 - on the road, including a short, steep hill
5-minute break
Exercise (MetCon)
Burpees x 5/minute for 7 minutes.
(1st half of minute doing burpees, the 2nd half recovering)
Both parts were quick - and exhausting.
The Sled
On Thursday we tried something different - we pushed a one man blocking sled up and down a football field, 10 yards at a time. It was even more tiring than I remember.
Full Body, Posterior Chain, and Abs x 2
Five Circuits of:
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Swiss Ball Jackknife x 10
Long Crunch (Swiss Ball) x 20
We did each circuit non-stop and rested for a minute between each of them. About 20 minutes and done - and done in.
The Jackknife - feetup pushup position and tuck your knees by rolling the ball forward - serious ab pain.
I was glad to bring back the kettlebell.
This one was simple and done basically in one spot, but it got the job done - the abs especially.
Five Circuits of:
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Swiss Ball Jackknife x 10
Long Crunch (Swiss Ball) x 20
We did each circuit non-stop and rested for a minute between each of them. About 20 minutes and done - and done in.
The Jackknife - feetup pushup position and tuck your knees by rolling the ball forward - serious ab pain.
I was glad to bring back the kettlebell.
This one was simple and done basically in one spot, but it got the job done - the abs especially.
Frosty Freeze Warmup
We are going to run in a fundraiser race for our school's track/cross country teams in a month - the Frosty Freeze. It's a mile and includes a pretty serious, if gradual, hill. The first half is downhill and the second is back up, two streets over. I was in no shape to do this when we tried it about 4 years ago.
We ran the course on Friday. I made it in 12:30. I started too fast and struggled through the second quarter-mile. If I can manage to hand back and then , 'kick it in' after the halfway point I could make 12, which is what I's like to do.
We'll do this a couple more times and see if we can't make it work.
We ran the course on Friday. I made it in 12:30. I started too fast and struggled through the second quarter-mile. If I can manage to hand back and then , 'kick it in' after the halfway point I could make 12, which is what I's like to do.
We'll do this a couple more times and see if we can't make it work.
The Sum of its Parts
This was a straight-forward plan: back/full body, abs, chest, legs.
It was one of those circuits where the whole was greater than its parts. I felt heavy for days.
Monday's workout
Five circuits of:
Bear Crawl x 20 yds
Long Crunches x 20 (Bosu ball)
Feet-up Push-ups x 10 (55 cm ball)
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front, side, back w/both legs)
I moved boxes on Tuesday & Wednesday, and finished on Saturday. Plenty of lifting, and I slept well, but no specific soreness.
It was one of those circuits where the whole was greater than its parts. I felt heavy for days.
Monday's workout
Five circuits of:
Bear Crawl x 20 yds
Long Crunches x 20 (Bosu ball)
Feet-up Push-ups x 10 (55 cm ball)
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front, side, back w/both legs)
I moved boxes on Tuesday & Wednesday, and finished on Saturday. Plenty of lifting, and I slept well, but no specific soreness.
One and a half
I ran one and a half miles - running is a relative term - in 19:20.
It is incredibly slow, but I did not, at any point, stop.
The farthest I have run without stopping since January of 1991.
We are going to run in a fundraiser for our track & cross country teams in a few weeks. Time to practice the mile course.
It is incredibly slow, but I did not, at any point, stop.
The farthest I have run without stopping since January of 1991.
We are going to run in a fundraiser for our track & cross country teams in a few weeks. Time to practice the mile course.
Manmakers? Burpees+
Take a burpee, add in renegade rows, and finish with a clean & press. Maybe the best, and toughest, exercise we've done.
But what about the jump, you ask? We added in box jumps to make sure the torture was complete.
Manmakers x 10 @ 10/10 (burpee + renegade rows + clean & press)
Long Crunch x 20 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 10 @ 21"
Manmakers x 8 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 8 @ 21"
Manmakers x 6 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 6 @ 21"
Manmakers x 4 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 4 @ 21"
Manmakers x 2 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 2 @ 21"
But what about the jump, you ask? We added in box jumps to make sure the torture was complete.
Manmakers x 10 @ 10/10 (burpee + renegade rows + clean & press)
Long Crunch x 20 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 10 @ 21"
Manmakers x 8 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20 (Bosu Ball)
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 8 @ 21"
Manmakers x 6 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 6 @ 21"
Manmakers x 4 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 4 @ 21"
Manmakers x 2 @ 10/10
Long Crunch x 20
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Box Jumps x 2 @ 21"
The pain is ridiculous.
We were so sore on Thursday from Monday & Tuesday that I had to devise something that would stretch us out and still give us some work.
Four Circuits
Hip Flexor Lunge-Stretch x 3/3 @ 10sec
Plank-to-Pushup x 5
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5
Judo (Divebomber) Pushup x 5
Shoulder Activation I, Y, T, W, O x 3
Four Circuits
Hip Flexor Lunge-Stretch x 3/3 @ 10sec
Plank-to-Pushup x 5
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5
Judo (Divebomber) Pushup x 5
Shoulder Activation I, Y, T, W, O x 3
We played 2-a-side soccer on Wednesday.
Our field was about 10 yards long and 20 yards wide with pop-up goals.
It was fun and great exercise. We'll definitely play again!
Our field was about 10 yards long and 20 yards wide with pop-up goals.
It was fun and great exercise. We'll definitely play again!
Mat Drill Monday
We joke that our workouts are a lot like the off-season football workouts we both did years ago. Today's was especially so.
Five Circuits
Bear Crawl x 20 yards
Plank x 40 secs
Step ups x 5/5 @ 18"
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (55 cm ball)
The Bear Crawl was exactly what we wanted in terms of functional, exhausting, and wearing us down.
I still hate planks.
We felt the bear crawls and the planks all the way through Thursday.
Five Circuits
Bear Crawl x 20 yards
Plank x 40 secs
Step ups x 5/5 @ 18"
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (55 cm ball)
The Bear Crawl was exactly what we wanted in terms of functional, exhausting, and wearing us down.
I still hate planks.
We felt the bear crawls and the planks all the way through Thursday.
Full Body
The idea today was to work multiple body parts with each of 4 exercises.
It's one of those that doesn't look like much written down on a post-it note, but by the time we were done we knew it was a good one.
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
(pushup on dumbbells, then a row with each hand)
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25# (plate)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
It's one of those that doesn't look like much written down on a post-it note, but by the time we were done we knew it was a good one.
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
(pushup on dumbbells, then a row with each hand)
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25# (plate)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Renegade Row + Pushup x 5 @ 10#/10#
Dumbbell Clean and Press x 5 @ 30#/30#
Lunge Twists x 5/5 @ 25#
Huh. How about that?
Today I ran 1.2 miles in 15:15. The farthest I have run since leaving the Army 21 years ago. A mile without stopping is becoming a regular thing. Another line has been crossed.
Back at it.
After a week of stretching my back and wedding-related festivities we went back to work on Monday.
Took the Crossfit Cindy and added a run & some abs.
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
A good return to form.
Took the Crossfit Cindy and added a run & some abs.
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Air Squats x 15
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -170#
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 25
A good return to form.
Pre-Wedding Run
Saturday morning I ran a mile in the morning, because Saturday evening I was the officiant at one of my best friend's weddings and, as expected, we ate a ton of food all evening.
The run felt easy, the wedding went well, and the food was great.
The run felt easy, the wedding went well, and the food was great.
Self Treatment
My back pain got pretty serious for a few days.
Right side hip flexor from the lumbar, around & over my hip.
On Monday, I didn't have a foam roller or lacrosse ball to work on my back so I improvised and used a small medicine ball and a aerobic step. I put my shoulders on the step and laid on the ball and, while experiencing ridiculous pain, rolled my tightened back/hip area over the ball several times. For about half an hour.
Then I did all of the yoga positions from this travel stretching workout from Greatist.com, which nearly all focused on my back and hip flexor.
This hurt like hell, but it did the trick.
On Thursday, I repeated the yoga and did several other hip flexor stretches.
Right side hip flexor from the lumbar, around & over my hip.
On Monday, I didn't have a foam roller or lacrosse ball to work on my back so I improvised and used a small medicine ball and a aerobic step. I put my shoulders on the step and laid on the ball and, while experiencing ridiculous pain, rolled my tightened back/hip area over the ball several times. For about half an hour.
Then I did all of the yoga positions from this travel stretching workout from Greatist.com, which nearly all focused on my back and hip flexor.
This hurt like hell, but it did the trick.
On Thursday, I repeated the yoga and did several other hip flexor stretches.
One of the main reasons we exercise is so that we can move freely as we move though our 40's. We have avoided injury and move much better than we did only a couple of years ago.
I have, however, had ongoing soreness in my right hip flexor or psoas muscle. I have generally just stretched and worked through it.
On Thursday 9/27 we did this one:
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
2-minute break
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
(on this set of clean & presses my hip flexor tighten up in the back and began to hurt like hell, more on that later)
2-minute break
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
At this point we were both exhausted and I was actually in real pain, unable to bend over. So we stopped there. It was an excellent workout, but I should have stopped sooner.
Still not invincible, I'm afraid.
I have, however, had ongoing soreness in my right hip flexor or psoas muscle. I have generally just stretched and worked through it.
On Thursday 9/27 we did this one:
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
2-minute break
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
(on this set of clean & presses my hip flexor tighten up in the back and began to hurt like hell, more on that later)
2-minute break
Tabata Protocol
Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 25# plate
Kettlebell Swing x 10 @ 35#
Kneeups x 20 (Captain's Chair)
At this point we were both exhausted and I was actually in real pain, unable to bend over. So we stopped there. It was an excellent workout, but I should have stopped sooner.
Still not invincible, I'm afraid.
Burpees Countdown
I think it's the jump. That little hop at the end of the burpee that makes it almost unbearable. So, today there were 55 of those.
Monday's Workout
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
10 Burpees
9 Burpees
8 Burpees
7 Burpees
6 Burpees
5 Burpees
4 Burpees
3 Burpees
2 Burpees
1 Burpee
Long Crunch (Bosu Ball) x 25
Plank x 40 secs
Monday's Workout
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Lunge x 5/5
10 Burpees
9 Burpees
8 Burpees
7 Burpees
6 Burpees
5 Burpees
4 Burpees
3 Burpees
2 Burpees
1 Burpee
Long Crunch (Bosu Ball) x 25
Plank x 40 secs
It was a simple idea. Run four hard 220's, aiming to make them under 1 minute. After our 5-minute 880 it seemed reasonable with rest/walks in between.
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
Ran 220 :50
Walk 220
Ran 220 :46
Walk 220
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
The total time was 14:13 for one mile.
I felt as badly in the evening after this one as I have from almost any workout. There was a demon waiting on that fourth 220. I finished it purely on Newtonian physics and muscle memory.
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
Ran 220 :50
Walk 220
Ran 220 :46
Walk 220
Ran 220 :55
Walk 220
The total time was 14:13 for one mile.
I felt as badly in the evening after this one as I have from almost any workout. There was a demon waiting on that fourth 220. I finished it purely on Newtonian physics and muscle memory.
Getting a Grip
One of each - 1, 5, 10, 15, 20. A solid workout and in an unusual twist, it was our arms that gave out this time. The Farmer's Walk was the killer. I had to stop on circuits 4 & 5 - I lost my grip (physically, metaphorically it is long gone).
Thursday's Workout
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55# (2 dumbbells - 1 gym lap)
Reverse Row x 5 (Chest-high squat rack bar)
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Weight Update: 259 - down 102 pounds
Thursday's Workout
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55# (2 dumbbells - 1 gym lap)
Reverse Row x 5 (Chest-high squat rack bar)
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Farmer's Walk x 50 yds @ 55#/55#
Reverse Row x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air Squats x 15
Bicycle Twists x 20
Weight Update: 259 - down 102 pounds
The idea was to run an 880 (2 laps) in under 5 minutes.
We started out flying, for us, but I couldn't hold it. I 'sprinted' at the end to come in at 4:59.
Achievement unlocked.
We started out flying, for us, but I couldn't hold it. I 'sprinted' at the end to come in at 4:59.
Achievement unlocked.
Light day?
I have spent much of the last week mowing a waist-high field with a push mower, including 4 hours on Sunday.
Monday we needed a moderate workout that loosened us up.
Part One
Three Circuits non-stop of:
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front lunge, side squat, back lunge)
Standing One-Arm Cable Rox x 10/10 @ 60#
Part Two
Three non-stop circuits of:
Thruster x 10 @ 45# (Squat and press the bar overhead)
Machine Dips x 5 @ -100
Long Crunch on Small Swiss Ball x 25
Got the job done.
Monday we needed a moderate workout that loosened us up.
Part One
Three Circuits non-stop of:
Triple Lunge x 5/5 (front lunge, side squat, back lunge)
Standing One-Arm Cable Rox x 10/10 @ 60#
Part Two
Three non-stop circuits of:
Thruster x 10 @ 45# (Squat and press the bar overhead)
Machine Dips x 5 @ -100
Long Crunch on Small Swiss Ball x 25
Got the job done.
Football coaches call sprints across the field 'gassers'.
Thursday we ran on the football practice field.
We ran sideline to sideline (53 yards) on every 10 yard stripe.
So: Across at the Goaline, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the walked (rested) over & back (106 yards). Then the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goalline and walked over & back. Then 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and walked over & back. Finally the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goaline.
Twenty-one 53-yard sprints.
And we were done. And done in.
Thursday we ran on the football practice field.
We ran sideline to sideline (53 yards) on every 10 yard stripe.
So: Across at the Goaline, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and the walked (rested) over & back (106 yards). Then the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goalline and walked over & back. Then 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and walked over & back. Finally the 40, 30, 20, 10, Goaline.
Twenty-one 53-yard sprints.
And we were done. And done in.
Five by Five (and more)
I based this one on the Crossfit "Seven" workout. Estimated, accurately it seems, what we could barely do.
Loved it. Our major exercises, all together and kicking our butts. By the third circuit we were whipped, but we made it through. And were as exhausted as we've ever been at the end.
Tuesday Workout
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Elliptical Trainer x 2 min @ 75 RPM
Each circuit non-stop, then a 60-90 sec break
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Captain's Chair Knee-ups x 25
Followed by: Shortness of Breath. Nausea. Dizziness. Incoherence. The Usual.
Loved it. Our major exercises, all together and kicking our butts. By the third circuit we were whipped, but we made it through. And were as exhausted as we've ever been at the end.
Tuesday Workout
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Elliptical Trainer x 2 min @ 75 RPM
Each circuit non-stop, then a 60-90 sec break
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Deadlifts x 5 @ 185#
Burpees x 5
2H Kettlebell Swings x 5 @ 1 pood (35#)
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -160
Feet-up Push-ups x 5 (on 65cm ball)
Captain's Chair Knee-ups x 25
Followed by: Shortness of Breath. Nausea. Dizziness. Incoherence. The Usual.
Pushing Through
We were both dragging today, and we'd only had one rest day, so simply pushing through this one seemed like a reasonable goal. We actually did better than I expected, but the increased weight on the two-dumbbell clean & press (the 'Jack LaLanne') was a killer.
We took turns at each station, which slowed the pace, but it made us both want to hurry up, which I liked - we've grown to hate resting.
I worked in more ideas from the "One Lifetime, Five Movements" posts at The Whole 30, most of which are right in line with what we do - added one-arm rows for trunk stability, and returned to single-leg deadlifts, overhead presses, and trunk rotation,
Thursday's Workout
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
Four Circuits of:
One-Arm Cable Row x 10/10 @ 50#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift x 10/10 @ 10#/10#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
I liked the longer, but slight slower runs.
I might be able to do an 880 at that pace.
We'll find out.
We took turns at each station, which slowed the pace, but it made us both want to hurry up, which I liked - we've grown to hate resting.
I worked in more ideas from the "One Lifetime, Five Movements" posts at The Whole 30, most of which are right in line with what we do - added one-arm rows for trunk stability, and returned to single-leg deadlifts, overhead presses, and trunk rotation,
Thursday's Workout
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
Four Circuits of:
One-Arm Cable Row x 10/10 @ 50#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 35#/35#
Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift x 10/10 @ 10#/10#
Russian Twists x 20 @ 10# (medicine ball)
Ran 440 yds @ 6mph (2:31)
I liked the longer, but slight slower runs.
I might be able to do an 880 at that pace.
We'll find out.
Reading is Dangerous
Read up over the weekend on some exercise info from The Whole 30 guys and found a great article series, "If you could only perform five exercise movements for the rest of your life, which five would you do?" asking twelve of the most widely respected fitness experts and strength and conditioning coaches for their lists. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Monday's workout was drawn from the answers and some associated articles.
Part One
Three Circuits of:
Farmer's Walk x 50 yards @ 100# (2 x 50# dumbbells)
Lunge Complex x 5/5 (Lunge Forward, side-step & squat, Backward Lunge)
Part Two
Five Sets of:
Renegade Man Makers x 5 @ 10#/10#
Burpee with dumbbells, rowing each arm at bottom, and double overhead press at top
Three Sets of:
Glute Ham Developer Situps x 5
Part Three
Elliptical Trainer Tabata Sprints
8 circuits of 20 Seconds at 90rpm, 10 seconds at 55rpm (4 minutes)
The desired effect was achieved.
Monday's workout was drawn from the answers and some associated articles.
Part One
Three Circuits of:
Farmer's Walk x 50 yards @ 100# (2 x 50# dumbbells)
Lunge Complex x 5/5 (Lunge Forward, side-step & squat, Backward Lunge)
Part Two
Five Sets of:
Renegade Man Makers x 5 @ 10#/10#
Burpee with dumbbells, rowing each arm at bottom, and double overhead press at top
Three Sets of:
Glute Ham Developer Situps x 5
Part Three
Elliptical Trainer Tabata Sprints
8 circuits of 20 Seconds at 90rpm, 10 seconds at 55rpm (4 minutes)
The desired effect was achieved.
Paleo Curry
2 pounds meat
1 bag of frozen cauliflower
3-5 tbsp of Curry powder - we use Madras or Sweet Curry
1 can (12.5 oz?) of organic tomato sauce
2 tbsp of a paleo cooking fat
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
optional carrots or parsnips
black pepper
- I prepare the bag of frozen cauliflower according to the microwave directions and set aside in a separate bowl (reduces vitamin breakdown).
- Crush the cauliflower with a potato masher or large fork until it has a rice-like consistency.
- In a fryer (a steep-sided 12" frying pan) or Dutch oven I begin by heating the fat on medium heat - I have used coconut oil, olive oil, pasture-raised lard, and ghee for this (about 2 tbsp).
- I cut the meat into even chunks, about half-inch cubes. I have used chicken, pork, lamb, and beef. About 2 pounds.
- Brown the meat on all sides and remove it to a bowl.
- As the remaining liquid cooks reduces to almost only oil, I add the chopped medium onion and occasionally a few chopped carrots or parsnips (even sized pieces) and cook them for about 6 minutes, scraping the bottom and mixing it with the vegetables. Then add the 2 cloves of pressed garlic for an additional 2 minutes and stir.
- Reduce the temperature to medium-low.
- Add the cauliflower to the pan and then mix in 2 tbsp of Madras (Indian) Curry Powder, coating everything.
- Stir in one large can of organic (Muir Glen) tomato paste. Mix well.
- Stir in the meat and another tbsp of curry powder.
- Lower to a simmer and season with salt and pepper and additional curry powder to your taste.
- The longer you can let it simmer the better, but stir to avoid scorching the sauce on the bottom.
The cauliflower gives the dish the rice consistency that is otherwise missing from many paleo curry dishes. It imparts little taste, but gives you its health benefits.
We ate this at least 4 times during our Whole 30, making it a little differently each time.
1 bag of frozen cauliflower
3-5 tbsp of Curry powder - we use Madras or Sweet Curry
1 can (12.5 oz?) of organic tomato sauce
2 tbsp of a paleo cooking fat
1 medium onion
2 cloves of garlic
optional carrots or parsnips
black pepper
- I prepare the bag of frozen cauliflower according to the microwave directions and set aside in a separate bowl (reduces vitamin breakdown).
- Crush the cauliflower with a potato masher or large fork until it has a rice-like consistency.
- In a fryer (a steep-sided 12" frying pan) or Dutch oven I begin by heating the fat on medium heat - I have used coconut oil, olive oil, pasture-raised lard, and ghee for this (about 2 tbsp).
- I cut the meat into even chunks, about half-inch cubes. I have used chicken, pork, lamb, and beef. About 2 pounds.
- Brown the meat on all sides and remove it to a bowl.
- As the remaining liquid cooks reduces to almost only oil, I add the chopped medium onion and occasionally a few chopped carrots or parsnips (even sized pieces) and cook them for about 6 minutes, scraping the bottom and mixing it with the vegetables. Then add the 2 cloves of pressed garlic for an additional 2 minutes and stir.
- Reduce the temperature to medium-low.
- Add the cauliflower to the pan and then mix in 2 tbsp of Madras (Indian) Curry Powder, coating everything.
- Stir in one large can of organic (Muir Glen) tomato paste. Mix well.
- Stir in the meat and another tbsp of curry powder.
- Lower to a simmer and season with salt and pepper and additional curry powder to your taste.
- The longer you can let it simmer the better, but stir to avoid scorching the sauce on the bottom.
The cauliflower gives the dish the rice consistency that is otherwise missing from many paleo curry dishes. It imparts little taste, but gives you its health benefits.
We ate this at least 4 times during our Whole 30, making it a little differently each time.
The whole Whole30
Eating so cleanly has made us both feel so much better and I lost 16 pounds (you're not supposed to check, but it is my thing). We are both even further down in clothes sizes.
I will start posting many of our dishes from this past month this week.
CRL is doing the dairy check and then the gluten check this weekend. I don't appear to have real problems with either one, but I feel so much better without them both, I'm going to stay that way!
We have become so used to eating Paleo that none of the restrictions were a hardship - cooking nearly every meal is the tough part, but we have always shared the load there (I love to cook and do most of it), so it wasn't really a problem.
If you want to see results and start changing the way you feel for the better, the Whole30 is the way to go.
Under 12 Minutes
Achievement Unlocked: Run a mile in under 12 minutes.
One mile in 11'51".
Whining: My quads were sore from 165 air squats on Thursday and my persistent Psoas muscle soreness kicked in as well. Nonetheless, Rich picked the route and pace and I almost kept up 'til about halfway, and then I fell back.
Winning: At some point I actually got into a groove & knew I would finish. A bit of a sprint over the last 100 made sure I broke 12.
I hate running.
One mile in 11'51".
Whining: My quads were sore from 165 air squats on Thursday and my persistent Psoas muscle soreness kicked in as well. Nonetheless, Rich picked the route and pace and I almost kept up 'til about halfway, and then I fell back.
Winning: At some point I actually got into a groove & knew I would finish. A bit of a sprint over the last 100 made sure I broke 12.
I hate running.
The Cindy
We did a modified Crossfit "Cindy" today.
We replaced the Pullups with Reverse Bodyweight Rows, but did the pushups & squats.
The idea is to repeat the circuit AMRAP, as many rounds (circuits) as possible, in 20 minutes.
Thursday's Workout
Bodyweight Reverse Rows x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air squats x 15
For 11 circuits in 20 minutes.
(55 rows, 110 pushups, 165 squats)
We finished with:
Cat vomit ab clench x 20 secs
Long Swiss Ball Crunches x 30
Plank x 40 secs
We have successfully regained our intensity this week. This one was harsh. We struggled for Circuit #11 during the last couple of minutes.
Just beat.
We replaced the Pullups with Reverse Bodyweight Rows, but did the pushups & squats.
The idea is to repeat the circuit AMRAP, as many rounds (circuits) as possible, in 20 minutes.
Thursday's Workout
Bodyweight Reverse Rows x 5
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Air squats x 15
For 11 circuits in 20 minutes.
(55 rows, 110 pushups, 165 squats)
We finished with:
Cat vomit ab clench x 20 secs
Long Swiss Ball Crunches x 30
Plank x 40 secs
We have successfully regained our intensity this week. This one was harsh. We struggled for Circuit #11 during the last couple of minutes.
Just beat.
Twenty Minutes of Hell
This weekend I decided we had strayed into longer workouts, 25+ sets & 30+ minutes, because what were doing was not intense enough. We were not sufficiently incoherent at the end. So Monday we turned it up a bit. Well, a lot.
This may be our hardest workout ever. Halfway through we considered resting, but decided against it. Instead we swapped the order, so we could make it to the end. (Well, I tried to swap them, but was so lost that I failed & Rich had to fix it. Then the buzzer went off.) This one got ugly.
Monday's Workout
We did 20 sets with a timer: One minute for each set.
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 10 @ 15#/15#
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Russian Twist x 26
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 10 @ 15#/15#
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Russian Twist x 26
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 8 @ 15#/15#
Russian Twist x 26
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 6 @ 15#/15#
Russian Twist x 26
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
We both collapsed on the floor. Eventually we were able to put the equipment up and limp out. Rich said, "That's exactly what we need," and later, "We'll be feeling this one for a couple of days." Which pretty much sums it up.
This may be our hardest workout ever. Halfway through we considered resting, but decided against it. Instead we swapped the order, so we could make it to the end. (Well, I tried to swap them, but was so lost that I failed & Rich had to fix it. Then the buzzer went off.) This one got ugly.
Monday's Workout
We did 20 sets with a timer: One minute for each set.
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 10 @ 15#/15#
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Russian Twist x 26
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 10 @ 15#/15#
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Russian Twist x 26
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 8 @ 15#/15#
Russian Twist x 26
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Box Jumps x 5 @ 21"
Burpee + 2-Dumbbell Press x 6 @ 15#/15#
Russian Twist x 26
2H Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
We both collapsed on the floor. Eventually we were able to put the equipment up and limp out. Rich said, "That's exactly what we need," and later, "We'll be feeling this one for a couple of days." Which pretty much sums it up.
Sprints (or something like them)
Friday we decided to go for all-out 100-yard sprints. Admittedly they aren't Olympic in time, but we did hit 22-23 seconds consistently, which is about a 2-3 second improvement.
On the track we sprinted the 100-yard sides and walked the 120-yard curves. We also theorized that these were actually 100 meters, based on the football field, but were too tired to make a definitive determination. I'll find out.
Sprints 8 x 100 (yards?) in 22-23 seconds.
By the end we were both feeling it in quads, hammies, and abs. A fine Friday.
On the track we sprinted the 100-yard sides and walked the 120-yard curves. We also theorized that these were actually 100 meters, based on the football field, but were too tired to make a definitive determination. I'll find out.
Sprints 8 x 100 (yards?) in 22-23 seconds.
By the end we were both feeling it in quads, hammies, and abs. A fine Friday.
A little light in the eyes
One of our long-term goals is to do a pullup. There will need to be some more serious weight loss, of course, but we have to be ready when the time comes, so we worked on our Machine Pullup today. By far our best performance.
Five circuits, twenty-five sets, including five 220-yard runs.
When we started we only did a dozen sets.
We went Simon-style with virtually no breaks. I was glad to see this one end.
Thursday Workout
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
We both got a little woozy as we were getting ready to leave and Rich came up with a great new line, "I'm feeling a little light in the eyes." We both definitely were.

Five circuits, twenty-five sets, including five 220-yard runs.
When we started we only did a dozen sets.
We went Simon-style with virtually no breaks. I was glad to see this one end.
Thursday Workout
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
Run x 200 yds @ 7.5 mph
Feet-Up Pushups x 15
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 25
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150#
Kneeups x 10 (Captain's Chair)
We both got a little woozy as we were getting ready to leave and Rich came up with a great new line, "I'm feeling a little light in the eyes." We both definitely were.

Street Intervals
Tuesday, we used my Nike+GPS and landmarks on the streets around the school to run intervals for a mile. We ran hard 5 times for 250-300 yards and walked for 4 times for 50-100 yards until we equaled a mile. Our mile time was actually 12:16, which is right at my best time.
95 pounds
My weight is down to 265. Oh so close - down 95 pounds total. The Whole 30 paleo plan for a strict one-month diet is working. Down 13 pounds in 21 days.
45-pound plates were the central part of Monday's workout.
We did full-body shoulder/quads, back, core/grip strength, and abs.
The row and crunches were relatively easy. The overhead plate lunge walk appears to be a Crossfit staple, so we gave it a shot. Painful - we had to struggle to finish the last couple of sets. The farmer's walk hit us just right, as I had to hurry for my arms not to give out on the last one.
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90# (45# plate in each hand)
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
We finished with several stretches for our hip flexors, as we both had soreness.
We did full-body shoulder/quads, back, core/grip strength, and abs.
The row and crunches were relatively easy. The overhead plate lunge walk appears to be a Crossfit staple, so we gave it a shot. Painful - we had to struggle to finish the last couple of sets. The farmer's walk hit us just right, as I had to hurry for my arms not to give out on the last one.
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90# (45# plate in each hand)
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
Plate Overhead Lunge Walk x 10 strides @ 45#
Bent Plate Row x 10 @ 45#
Farmer's Walk x 150+ feet @ 90#
20 Bicycle Crunches
We finished with several stretches for our hip flexors, as we both had soreness.
Friday 880's
I'm working toward a non-stop sub 12-minute mile. We are very close.
We built on the 440's in under 2:30 from Tuesday, we wanted to run two 880's in under 6 minutes each. It worked. (Rich is way ahead of me on this, already close to 11).
1/10 mile walk
880 yd run under 6 min.
1/10 mile walk in 2:15.
880 yd run under 6 min.
Warm down
2/10 mile walk
These are not acceptable times if you're a runner, but for 270-pound old linemen, they are just fine.
We built on the 440's in under 2:30 from Tuesday, we wanted to run two 880's in under 6 minutes each. It worked. (Rich is way ahead of me on this, already close to 11).
1/10 mile walk
880 yd run under 6 min.
1/10 mile walk in 2:15.
880 yd run under 6 min.
Warm down
2/10 mile walk
These are not acceptable times if you're a runner, but for 270-pound old linemen, they are just fine.
Tabata = Fall on floor. Do not move.
Part One
Elliptical Trainer Tabata Sprints
- Eight Circuits of 20 seconds @ 90+ RPM / 10 seconds at 60 RPM
Part Two
eight sets of 20 sec work and 10 sec transition x 3
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
2-minute break
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
2-minute break
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Fall on floor. Do not move.
Elliptical Trainer Tabata Sprints
- Eight Circuits of 20 seconds @ 90+ RPM / 10 seconds at 60 RPM
Part Two
eight sets of 20 sec work and 10 sec transition x 3
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
2-minute break
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
2-minute break
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Air Squats x 10
Hand-Release Pushups x 10
Long Crunch on Swiss Ball x 10
Two-Hand Kettlebell Swings x 10 @ 35#
Fall on floor. Do not move.
Tuesday Intervals
We want to increase our mile pace, so we extended our intervals this week to 440's. We aimed for a 2:30 maximum.
220 yd walk
Tuesday Interval Run
440 yd run
220 yd walk
440 yd run
220 yd walk
440 yd run
Warm down
220 yd walk
The interval run gave me a mile in 12:16 , which is actually my fastest time for the mile (Rich is faster). It seems I'm still a little better with short break as opposed to sustained runs. Getting there, nonetheless.
220 yd walk
Tuesday Interval Run
440 yd run
220 yd walk
440 yd run
220 yd walk
440 yd run
Warm down
220 yd walk
The interval run gave me a mile in 12:16 , which is actually my fastest time for the mile (Rich is faster). It seems I'm still a little better with short break as opposed to sustained runs. Getting there, nonetheless.
Pure Hate
I made a list of exercises that I hate or have left me particularly sore.
Running - hate it. Deadlifts - sore butt & ribcage. Plank - hate it. Bodyweight Rows - sore back & arms (I'm not light). Burpees - pure hate.
By the end I could barely move, and I was more than a little incoherent.
Monday's Workout
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Running - hate it. Deadlifts - sore butt & ribcage. Plank - hate it. Bodyweight Rows - sore back & arms (I'm not light). Burpees - pure hate.
By the end I could barely move, and I was more than a little incoherent.
Monday's Workout
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Run x 220 yd @ 7.5 mph
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Plank x 45 secs
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Burpees x 10
Walk One, Run One
Walked a mile this morning with CRL. Drove out to school and ran a mile on the roads around the back of the playing fields. It was slow, 13:05, but finishing never felt in doubt. I can now start trying to do it faster. Shooting for 12 minutes first.
I weighed at noon & I was 268. My lowest weight yet. Just 8 from 100 pounds lost. The Whole 30 is working, I'm down 10 pounds in 12 days.
I weighed at noon & I was 268. My lowest weight yet. Just 8 from 100 pounds lost. The Whole 30 is working, I'm down 10 pounds in 12 days.
Dreary Thursday
Making the best of a slow morning.
So, new Kettlebell exercise today: One-arm Kettlebell High Pull.
Thursday Morning
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10# (swing & punch version)
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10 (On back, raising both feet & hands)
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10#
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10#
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10#
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10
The new exercise was a good addition, and we moved quickly through the circuit. However, this may be one of the first times I underestimated how hard the workout should be. Of course I'm feeling it in my abs and butt the next day, so not a total loss.
So, new Kettlebell exercise today: One-arm Kettlebell High Pull.
Thursday Morning
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10# (swing & punch version)
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10 (On back, raising both feet & hands)
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10#
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10#
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10
One-arm Kettlebell high pull x 5/5 @ 10#
Hand Release Pushups x 10
Bicycle Crunch x 20
Lunge Walk x 5/5
Reverse Toe Touch x 10
The new exercise was a good addition, and we moved quickly through the circuit. However, this may be one of the first times I underestimated how hard the workout should be. Of course I'm feeling it in my abs and butt the next day, so not a total loss.
Tuesday Sprints
Six laps around the track. Sprinted the sides and walked the curbs.
So: 100 yd Sprints x 12
My times were 24-25 seconds, so about 2.5 Usain Bolts.
So: 100 yd Sprints x 12
My times were 24-25 seconds, so about 2.5 Usain Bolts.
Today's goal was 500 reps, and a walk.
5 exercises, 10 reps, 10 circuits
Monday Morning
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Cable Rows x 20 @ 50#
10 Circuits (2 at a time, followed by a 1 min walk)
Air Squats x 10
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 10
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Russian Twist x 10
This went better than I expected, and I only really got light-headed during the last circuit.
Walk x 1.5 miles
5 exercises, 10 reps, 10 circuits
Monday Morning
Run x 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Cable Rows x 20 @ 50#
10 Circuits (2 at a time, followed by a 1 min walk)
Air Squats x 10
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Swiss Ball Long Crunch x 10
Pullup Bar Hang x 10 secs
Russian Twist x 10
This went better than I expected, and I only really got light-headed during the last circuit.
Walk x 1.5 miles
Prison Workout
A busy Thursday led to a quick "Prison Workout" at home.
Thursday Morning
with breaks no more than one-minute
10 Burpees (with pushup)
9 Burpees
8 Burpees
7 Burpees
6 Burpees
5 Burpees
4 Burpees
3 Burpees
2 Burpees
1 Burpees
Simple but effective.
Then we walked a mile.
Thursday Morning
with breaks no more than one-minute
10 Burpees (with pushup)
9 Burpees
8 Burpees
7 Burpees
6 Burpees
5 Burpees
4 Burpees
3 Burpees
2 Burpees
1 Burpees
Simple but effective.
Then we walked a mile.
The Whole 30
"I'm going to vomit."
"If I don't stop for sec, I'm going to vomit."
I mumbled that before the 4th circuit and it pretty much sums up how this one went. Very well indeed.
We went Simon-style this morning, which means no breaks between sets, except walking to the next station, until someone gives out.
When we were done a personal trainer in the gym, said, "Y'all look like someone just kicked your asses." Compliment accepted.
Monday Morning
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
(One Minute Break)
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
I mumbled that before the 4th circuit and it pretty much sums up how this one went. Very well indeed.
We went Simon-style this morning, which means no breaks between sets, except walking to the next station, until someone gives out.
When we were done a personal trainer in the gym, said, "Y'all look like someone just kicked your asses." Compliment accepted.
Monday Morning
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
(One Minute Break)
Ran 220 yds @ 7.5mph (1:04)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift x 5/5 @ 10#/10#
Two-Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30/30#
Bicycle Crunches x 30
Machine Pullups x 5 @ -150
Bodyweight Thursday
Thursday Morning
Warm up
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5 (new to us)
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (small Swiss ball)
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (long crunch on small Swiss ball)
Bodyweight Rows x 10 (on squat bar, below chest high)
Bench Dips x 10 (feet on floor - new for us)
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Warm down
Elliptical Machine x 30min @ 50 RPM
Bulgarian Split Squat
Warm up
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5 (new to us)
Feet-up Pushups x 10 (small Swiss ball)
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (long crunch on small Swiss ball)
Bodyweight Rows x 10 (on squat bar, below chest high)
Bench Dips x 10 (feet on floor - new for us)
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5/5
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Bodyweight Rows x 10
Bench Dips x 10
Warm down
Elliptical Machine x 30min @ 50 RPM
Bulgarian Split Squat
'Back' to Work
Today's workout aimed to exercise/stretch our back muscles. I felt much better, if substantially more exhausted.
Monday Morning
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Cable Row x 20 @ 50#
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Russian Twists

Monday Morning
Run 220 yds @ 7.5 mph
Cable Row x 20 @ 50#
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Burpees x 5
Back Extensions x 10
Knee Ups x 15 (Captain's Chair)
Lunges x 20 (10/10)
Hang x 25 seconds(from Pullup Bar)
Russian Twists x 30 @ 18# Medicine Ball
Russian Twists
One Hundred Pounds
Returned to some exercises I haven't done in a while.
Six Exercises four times through.
I still hate planks.
I liked the idea of carrying 100 pounds on the farmer's walk.
It felt pretty good. Well, except the last one.
Thursday's Workout
Plank x 1 minute
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (long crunch on Swiss ball)
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50# (Two dumbbells)
Plank x 1 minute
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50#
Plank x 1 minute
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50#
Plank x 1 minute (had to break this one up)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50#

Six Exercises four times through.
I still hate planks.
I liked the idea of carrying 100 pounds on the farmer's walk.
It felt pretty good. Well, except the last one.
Thursday's Workout
Plank x 1 minute
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (long crunch on Swiss ball)
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50# (Two dumbbells)
Plank x 1 minute
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50#
Plank x 1 minute
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50#
Plank x 1 minute (had to break this one up)
2-Hand Dumbbell Clean & Press x 10 @ 30#/30#
Machine Pullup x 5 @ -170#
Machine Dip x 5 @ -120#
Myotatic Crunch x 25
Farmer's Walk x 150+ ft. @ 50#/50#
Tuesday's Intervals (Times approximate)
Walked 440 yards (5:00)
Ran 440 yards (2:30)
Walked 220 yards (2:30)
Ran 440 yards (2:30)
Walked 220 yards (2:30)
Ran 440 yards (2:30)
Walked 440 yards (5:00)
Walked 440 yards (5:00)
Ran 440 yards (2:30)
Walked 220 yards (2:30)
Ran 440 yards (2:30)
Walked 220 yards (2:30)
Ran 440 yards (2:30)
Walked 440 yards (5:00)
Missed the second workout last week.
Made up for it today.
5 circuits of 4 exercises, 20 reps each set.
400 Reps.
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20

Made up for it today.
5 circuits of 4 exercises, 20 reps each set.
400 Reps.
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20
Pushups (Regular) x 20
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swings x 20 @ 35#
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Squats x 20

On the road
Still at a conference away from home and still a little sore from Monday, but I wanted to run.
Walked a quarter mile.
Ran a mile, with a couple of hills, in about 13:10.
Walked a half mile.
My calves tightened up badly, but didn't cramp. In the end, however, I think my overall soreness was better after than before.
Walked a quarter mile.
Ran a mile, with a couple of hills, in about 13:10.
Walked a half mile.
My calves tightened up badly, but didn't cramp. In the end, however, I think my overall soreness was better after than before.
Just a few Burpees
I'm at a conference at a small college. The temperature was around 90 at 7pm and it was a little humid.
It seemed simple. I'd walk a mile around campus to loosen up after a couple of days of car riding and desk sitting.
Then I'd run for a little, do some Burpees, walk some and repeat.
An hour later I could hardly move.
Monday Workout
Part A - Warmup
Walked 1 mile in just under 20 minutes.
Part Dos
Ran 1 minute. 10 Burpees (pushup, reach/no jump). Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 9 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 8 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
(at about this point I realized this was insane, but I was not stopping)
Ran 1 minute. 7 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 6 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
(at about this point the transition from run to burpees began to include a serious catching of breath)
Ran 1 minute. 5 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 4 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
(at about this point a serious calf cramp threatened, so I had to hold my foot just right while I ran to stave off shooting pain)
Ran 1 minute. 3 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 2 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 1 Burpee. Walked 2 minutes.
(Part Dos took just over 40 minutes, so the burpee sets averaged about a minute).
That's that the first time I've exercised for an hour non-stop in quite a while. Hell, possibly in 20 years. I covered 2.82 miles, about 3.5 laps around campus. And 60 Burpees.
I'll sleep well tonight.

It seemed simple. I'd walk a mile around campus to loosen up after a couple of days of car riding and desk sitting.
Then I'd run for a little, do some Burpees, walk some and repeat.
An hour later I could hardly move.
Monday Workout
Part A - Warmup
Walked 1 mile in just under 20 minutes.
Part Dos
Ran 1 minute. 10 Burpees (pushup, reach/no jump). Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 9 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 8 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
(at about this point I realized this was insane, but I was not stopping)
Ran 1 minute. 7 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 6 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
(at about this point the transition from run to burpees began to include a serious catching of breath)
Ran 1 minute. 5 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 4 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
(at about this point a serious calf cramp threatened, so I had to hold my foot just right while I ran to stave off shooting pain)
Ran 1 minute. 3 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 2 Burpees. Walked 2 minutes.
Ran 1 minute. 1 Burpee. Walked 2 minutes.
(Part Dos took just over 40 minutes, so the burpee sets averaged about a minute).
That's that the first time I've exercised for an hour non-stop in quite a while. Hell, possibly in 20 years. I covered 2.82 miles, about 3.5 laps around campus. And 60 Burpees.
I'll sleep well tonight.
Non-Stop Bodyweight
Thursday Workout
All bodyweight exercises today.
Part 1
Elliptical Machine Tabata
8 x (20 seconds at 90rpm & 10 seconds at 60rpm)
Part 2
Non-stop for 4 circuits
Air Squats x 15
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Bodyweight Rows x 10 (chest high bar)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Knee Ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)

All bodyweight exercises today.
Part 1
Elliptical Machine Tabata
8 x (20 seconds at 90rpm & 10 seconds at 60rpm)
Part 2
Non-stop for 4 circuits
Air Squats x 15
Feet-up Pushups x 10
Bodyweight Rows x 10 (chest high bar)
Bicycle Crunches x 20
Knee Ups x 10 (Captain's Chair)

Run the sides walk the curves.
100 yard 'sprints' and 120 yard walks.
10 x 100 yard sprint. 25-27 seconds each.
With warmup and warm down walks, I covered almost two miles.
100 yard 'sprints' and 120 yard walks.
10 x 100 yard sprint. 25-27 seconds each.
With warmup and warm down walks, I covered almost two miles.
Pain, in two parts
Wanted to wear us down today.
Sprints (for us) alternating with deadlifts, followed by a circuit of chest/shoulder, legs, posterior chain, obliques, abs.
It worked. Our butts were kicked.
Part 1
We ran at the same time and alternated at deadlifts
Ran 220 yds in 1:04 (treadmill)
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Ran 220 yds in 1:04 (treadmill)
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Ran 220 yds in 1:04 (treadmill)
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Part 2
1 minute each station - approx 30 sec work/30 sec rest
Burpee + Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 15#/15#
Box Jump x 10 @ 18"
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (Long Crunch on Bosu Ball)
1 minute rest
Burpee + Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 15#/15#
Box Jump x 10 @ 18"
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (Long Crunch on Bosu Ball)
1 minute rest
Burpee + Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 15#/15#
Box Jump x 10 @ 18"
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (Long Crunch on Bosu Ball)

Sprints (for us) alternating with deadlifts, followed by a circuit of chest/shoulder, legs, posterior chain, obliques, abs.
It worked. Our butts were kicked.
Part 1
We ran at the same time and alternated at deadlifts
Ran 220 yds in 1:04 (treadmill)
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Ran 220 yds in 1:04 (treadmill)
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Ran 220 yds in 1:04 (treadmill)
Deadlift x 5 @ 185#
Part 2
1 minute each station - approx 30 sec work/30 sec rest
Burpee + Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 15#/15#
Box Jump x 10 @ 18"
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (Long Crunch on Bosu Ball)
1 minute rest
Burpee + Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 15#/15#
Box Jump x 10 @ 18"
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (Long Crunch on Bosu Ball)
1 minute rest
Burpee + Dumbbell Clean & Press x 5 @ 15#/15#
Box Jump x 10 @ 18"
Two-Arm Kettlebell Swing x 15
Russian Twist x 20 @ 15#
Myotatic Crunch x 25 (Long Crunch on Bosu Ball)
For our Friday morning run we did intervals.
Well, we ran 220 yards (1/2 lap) and walked 220 yards.
We did six 220 sprints in all, and made all of them in between 55 & 65 seconds.
Our walking 220's lasted about 2 minutes & 20 seconds.
Friday Intervals
Run 220 - Walk 220 - Run 220 - Walk 220
Run 220 - Walk 220 - Run 220 - Walk 220
Run 220 - Walk 220 - Run 220 - Walk 220
So our total workout lasted 20 minutes. We were ready for it to end.

Well, we ran 220 yards (1/2 lap) and walked 220 yards.
We did six 220 sprints in all, and made all of them in between 55 & 65 seconds.
Our walking 220's lasted about 2 minutes & 20 seconds.
Friday Intervals
Run 220 - Walk 220 - Run 220 - Walk 220
Run 220 - Walk 220 - Run 220 - Walk 220
Run 220 - Walk 220 - Run 220 - Walk 220
So our total workout lasted 20 minutes. We were ready for it to end.
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