
Over the Line

We try to get right up next to 'the line' when we work out.
That line where you get too woozy and can't think straight or pick your arms up correctly. Or sometimes even walk. I unintentionally crossed that line today.

Rich sent me this link:

Which basically says that you are reasonably fit if you can do a plank for 60 seconds and can do 25 pushups. We know we can do those. (Also 5 pullups - not happening at our weight, but we could use the machine).

Of course, they called for two minute rests and slowly advancing in each. That wasn't happening. And we wanted to run.

So (with almost no breaks):
Treadmill: Ran 220 yards @ 7.5 mph
Pushups x 25
Plank x 60 seconds
(so right there, we've achieved our goal, but...)
Machine Pullups x 10 @ -180

Treadmill: Ran 220 yards @ 7.5 mph
Pushups x 25
Plank x 60 seconds (I cramped & had to stop & restart)
Machine Pullups x 10 @ -180

Treadmill: Ran 220 yards @ 7.5 mph
Pushups x 22 (my arms quit)
Plank x 30 seconds (I cramped)
Machine Pullups x 10 @ -180

Treadmill: Ran 220 yards @ 7.5 mph

It was at this point that I (think) I said, "I think I'm done."
"Yeah, me too."

Written down it doesn't sound like much. Rest assured it sent me over 'the line'.
Took about twenty minutes before I felt like driving home. We'll come back to this one.

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